DIY - Paint Your Ugly Bathroom Vanity


Transform your vanity for under $50

It’s fun & easy - Now grab a beer and lets go!

Hate your outdated bathroom vanity? Well, here’s an easy fix. Paint it.  

I love bold colored vanities especially in a white bathroom. I love dark blue, black, and green. You don’t need to go to Home Depot to find the vanity color you want (unless you have a pedestal sink). You just need some tools and a beer to get the vanity your home needs. I am here to show you that it’s fun and easy to paint your bathroom vanity and you will love it more since you are the one to make it look amazing.

I want a cool green color for my vanity. I have ugly beige tile flooring and think that the green will help the look that I am going for. I fell in love with this color by Magnolia Home (Joanna Gaines paint line), you can find them at your local Ace Hardware store. I went with the color Eden. Against the white bathroom walls it feels soooooo bright and welcoming. 

Materials Needed:

Let’s start!

Step 1: Remove the cabinet doors and remove the hinges. If you have drawers remove them from the vanity. Remove all hardware (knobs/hinges). Strip your vanity naked, haha. Okay, I will stop. Make sure if you have a large vanity to label all cabinet doors and drawers you don’t want to mix them up when you are reassembling them at the end.

Before Photo.

Before Photo.

Step 2: I use the Paint Pyramids for cabinet doors. I lay them out in the garage and place 3-4 yellow pyramids to elevate the cabinet doors. It helps out a lot so you can get all the edges when it is elevated.


Step 3: Use frog tape or painters tape for the walls and floors around you vanity.


Step 4: Place drop cloths down to prevent ruining your floors, even if you hate them.

Step 5: Clean the vanity, cabinet doors and drawers (if applicable). Use dish soap and scrub. If you need to sand, do it lightly using 220 grit sandpaper - this can help your primer & paint’s adhesiveness. If your vanity is very dirty consider using TSP, just make sure you follow the safety protocols and directions on the container. 

Step 6: Prime time!! I had left over primer from my kitchen cabinet project. I used Valspar Primer and it seems to be working great.  Apply primer with your brush for the annoying corners and smaller areas where the roller can’t reach. If you have drawers make sure you prime all the drawer fronts.

Allow the primmer to dry. Once it is dry you can add a second coat if needed.

The white primer made me re-think my paint color choice. The white vanity against the white walls look so good… Still going with my green!

The white primer made me re-think my paint color choice. The white vanity against the white walls look so good… Still going with my green!

Horrible Picture - But make sure you get both sides of the cabinet doors. Wait for each side to dry before priming/painting.

Horrible Picture - But make sure you get both sides of the cabinet doors. Wait for each side to dry before priming/painting.

Step 7: Let’s take that beer break - Open your can or bottle of beer. Enjoy it.

I am drinking a Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout. This beer is absolutely amazing. I would give it a 4.8/5. It’s from Odell Brewing Company (Colorado Beer). The flavor is exactly what I wanted and hoped for… a dark rich milk chocolate that isn’t over bearing. You need this beer in your life.


Step 8: Paint Paint Paint!

Time to paint! This is the fun part. Open up your paint and make sure you mix it well before use.

  • Pour some into a paint tray.

  • I used a high density foam roller to avoid getting unwanted textures

  • I used a Purdy 2inch angular brush for all the corners and areas where my foam couldn’t reach.

  • First paint your cabinet drawers/cabinet doors and then your vanity. When your vanity is drying go back and paint the other side of your doors/drawers.

  • If you want to feel free to paint the inside of your vanity. I did because i just hated the brown color that much.

  • I ended up doing two coats of paint.

  • Let the paint dry over night. Tomorrow you can assemble & decorate!


Step 9: Easy - let it dry! See you in the morning vanity.

Step 10: Assemble Hardware & Decorate

Before assembling, make sure everything is completely dry.

I only had two cabinet doors to install. Make sure the hinges are put back in same spot they once were. Then install door knobs (very easy). I ended up spray painting them while waiting for the vanity to dry. I love black hardware but gold would also look great against the green.

If you are switching up your hardware be sure to get pulls/knobs that are the correct size, especially for your drawer pulls. If you want a quick fix to your current hardware, just spray paint them.

Once everything is assembled you now can sit back with a new beer (I hope you finished the other beer from yesterday) and enjoy your new bathroom vanity.
